What do you get when you combine the creative mind of
The Progress' Evan Weiss, 52 weeks of his 23rd year on earth, and Gradwell Studios? The refreshing indie/rock blend of
Into It. Over It, that's what!
Evan has been involved with some pretty awesome musical projects in the past whether it be his current focus The Progress, spending time on Up Up Down Down or dabbling with his other sideproject Emergency. However, by far, his newest project takes the cake. Not only is the music incredible (think Braid meets Death Cab meets everything awesome) but the concept is so incredibly innovative and daunting. The concept is to create a
new song every week of the 52 weeks of his 23rd year. Pretty wild, huh? He's only into week 9 with 9 songs. That's what most artists will release in one record that they might spend anywhere from a few monthes to a couple years on.
Be sure to check his MySpace
every Thursday when he posts a new song for the week and to check up on his progress. Also, if you want to download the songs from each week, you can go to the project's website which I've listed below.
Finally someone makes listening to music a fun, interactive experience again!