Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hello internet dwellers!

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Casey but most of you probably already know that if you are looking at this page right now. However, if you don't, if a 19 year old hailing from Fairfield County, CT who produces and promotes live concerts throughout the lovely state of Connecticut. BUT, don't expect me to do much talking about how fucked up the music industry is or what band I heard through the grapevine is reuniting this year at Bamboozle or the music scene in Connecticut is so bleak. No, I promise to spare you.

This blog is dedicated to my thoughts and stories of what is this crazy thing that has become known as my life. Lately, I've struggled with the worst of it and I thought what might be the best therapeutic medicine for myself would be to open my thoughts up on the internet not only to let it out but also opening it up as a public forum. Not only for other people to not only see who I really am but also hopefully get the feeling that they're, and hopefully I, aren't alone in the daily downfalls and highs that are thrown at us each and every day. I will also be sure to post a bunch random goodies from profiling awesome new artists/bands, why Britney Spears is the biggest douche bag on the planet, and plenty more.

Anyways, I hope you all can be open minded about everything I post on here. Hell, I hope you can really take something away from it that will stick with you and provide hope, thoughts, a lesson, awesome new music or just something to laugh at a random points in the day. I'm glad you are taking the time to read this. It already means the world to me. Now just hang in for the ride...

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