Thursday, November 22, 2007

Band of the Week - Sing It Loud

Here is my first artist profile kiddies! Expect this to be updated every Thursday with a hot and fresh new musical act to dig your teeth into.

Today I bring Minnepolis' finest Sing It Loud. These 5 wonderful gentlemen are bringing their finest pop punk electronic effort to the table and man, does it rule. Coming out of the ashes of the mildly successful Jamestown Story, as well as heralded Minnesota local act, The Semester, the guys in Sing it Loud already have plenty of musical experience and talent under their belt. It also helps their self-titled EP produced by the very talented and young Jordan Schmidt who in his relatively short career has already helmed the board of some pretty fantastic records from Automatic Loveletter, All Time Low, The Morning Light, and a ton more. The band also recently finished an incredible tour featuring Universal act Between the Trees as well as the previously mentioned Automatic Loveletter.

Their active live show is refreshing breath of fresh air in a pool of boring live bands that simply can't maintain my interest anymore even though they might play incredible music. They love getting the crowd pumped out before lead singer Pat Brown bellows out his first note that any bystander has to stop in their tracks and watch what all their onstage fuss is about.

The record is just as good if not even better. Every song is unbelievably catchy and will be sure to stick in your head for weeks on end. Come Around is by far the highlight track and really captures the energy of the entire album. I would describe the rest of the record but I'm out of compliments for this band. Just click the link below and listen away!!

1 comment:

caseyherz said...
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