Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mars Volta playing Toads Place (HOLY FUCK!)

Wow! Apparently The Mars Volta will be playing Toads Place on January 11th. I'm surprised they are playing such a small venue especially in CT. Tickets are $27.50 and go on sale next Saturday @ noon. I'm just bummed there's no support.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

18 Bands announced for '08 Warped Tour

The first 18 bands for the 2008 edition of the Vans Warped Tour were announced the other day. The list is below:

The Academy Is...
The Briggs
The Bronx
The Color Fred

The Devil Wears Prada
Every Time I Die
From First to Last
Gym Class Heroes
The Lordz
Norma Jean
Katy Perry
Pierce The Veil
Reel Big Fish
Relient K
Street Dogs
We The Kings

It's an okay lineup so far. The one's in bold are the artists I would personally go see however there's nothing very extraordinary as usual. What's strange though is how Kevin Lyman the other week said Against Me! were playing this year however they are no where on the list. Hmm...

2008 Grammy nominations

I have never been a huge fan of the Grammys however after nominations were released for the 2008 edition of the awards, I was impressed. Here are some of the highlights of those nominations:

Record of the Year

The Pretender - The Foo Fighters
Rehab - Amy Winehouse

Album of the Year

Graduation by Kanye West
Back to Black by Amy Winehouse
Echos, Silence, Patience, and Grace by The Foo Fighters

Best New Artist

Amy Winehouse

Best Female Pop Vocal Performance

1, 2, 3, 4 by Feist
Rehab by Amy Winehouse

Some other highlights on the list include some surprises like the Beastie Boys; they got nods for Best Instrumental Performance and Album. Justice also got the nomination for Best Dance Recording and Album which I hope they win.

It's a tough list but I say fuck all the haters and I would personally say Amy Winehouse should win all the mentioned categories minus Best New Artist who should go to Feist (by the way she also was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album). Kanye's album was good but not nearly as catchy or creative as past releases and to be honest I really can't say much about the Foo Fighters because I have not had the chance to listen to their latest release yet.

Now if only they choose better performers than past years I might actually make it through the entire ceremony.

Universal announces "new" subscription plan

After announcing this week that they ALL their artists will only be allowing to have 90 second song clips on popular internet sites such as MySpace, Universal Music Group (aka the anti-christ) yesterday released that they will be releasing a subscription based music program called Comes With Music in collaboration with Nokia in the new year.

Doesn't sound to shabby at all. Consumers can just buy a Nokia product and get instant access to over 1 million songs while only paying a yearly rate. Hell, I would throw away my iPhone for that offer!

However, doing some more research and getting more opinions on the program, I have to say I actually hate Universal more.

Apparently, all the songs that can be accessed through the program are wrapped in DRM. For people out there who might not know what that is, it's Digital Rights Management. Anyways, this completely restricts anyone from sharing the songs and using them more than a pre-determined amount of times. Okay that's a set back however it gets worse.

Adding fuel to the fire, you can't burn the music onto a CD or listen to it on an iPod just on your PC. WHAT?!?!?! Oh, if you aren't pissed, it get's better.

In order to gain access for another year of the program you HAVE TO BUY A NEW NOKIA DEVICE which of course probably won't come cheap. On top of that, if you want to burn the music onto a CD it will require an upgrade purchase FOR EACH TRACK!

Holy crap, WOW, just, WOW.

This is a great idea and subscription based music is definitely the future however with all these restrictions in place, it's doomed to fail. Not to mention, this is a terrible way to start off on this idea. It will immediately turn people away from the product.

What are everyone else's thoughts on this this?

Band of the Week - Brave Citizens

I've been absolutely obsessed about this week's featured band Brave Citizens over the past few weeks. The San Francisco based duo is a side project of lead singer Andrew Capra who currently sings and plays guitar in the pop/rock band Hopefield.

Although this is considered a side project, it in no way lacks the incredible edge most sideprojects seem to miss. Andrew completely self-produced the entire EP Revolutions which is up in it's entirety streaming for free on their MySpace.

As far as sound, the band is an awesome mix of bands such as Mute Math, U2, and tons more proving further more that Andrew and friends can write great, catchy edgy rock songs that is a complete rarity these days.
Hightrack Track: the entire Revolutions EP

Joanna Newsom playing w/ symphony in Brooklyn

EDIT: Got the details for the show. They are below:

Fri 2/01
8:00 PM

Joanna Newsom
Brooklyn Academy of Music (Featuring members of Brooklyn Philharmonic) All Ages $25

So stoked about this one. Apparently, Joanna Newsom will be playing an entire set with a full orchestra in Brooklyn on February 1st. I couldn't seem to find the details about where and how much this is. Anyone know??

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Glassjaw post new "track"

Glassjaw posted a new "song" over on their MySpace page. The track is titled "yum yum". It's mostly 5 minutes of repetitive electronic beats however there are some live drums that kick in with 5 seconds left. Definitely a teaser for some new, fresh tracks.

Also, there is the enticing 200? in the album details. That shouldn't be too mysterious. It's pretty much common knowledge that the band should be putting out the album sometime next year which will be their first effort since the band went on hiatus in 2004.

There is also a pretty well backed rumor floating around that Saves the Day and Glassjaw will be heading out together sometime next year also.

The Henry Rollins Show

While scanning through TV channels tonight, I ended up on Fuse and noticed that they had just picked The Henry Rollins Show. It was on the channel Fuel for some time but I never managed to search through my TV and find it. It's nice to see television show with great insight and opinions, fantastic interviewees (the very talented Steve Buscemi was on tonight), and awesome musical guests (Blood Brothers played tonight's airing) get picked up by a more widely seen channel. Definitely make some time next Sunday @ 11pm to catch the show. It's a great program.

Chromeo playing Bowery Ballroom

EDIT (12/6/07): First show is sold out however the duo just added a second show on January 28th.

Dance/electronica duo Chromeo are returning to NYC on Saturday, January 26th the very small and intimate Bowery Ballroom. Show isn't very well publicized (it's not even listed on their MySpace) however the venue has the show listed up on their site and tickets are selling at $18 each. The show is also 18+ (sorry kiddies). If you want to go to this show, definitely get tickets NOW. It will sell out really soon.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I downloaded Gallows latest album Orchestra of Wolves and I finally now understand the incredible buzz about this band. They are capable of combining the pissed hardcore aggressiveness of Botch and Refused, the technical screamo aspects of bands like This Ship Will Sink and Orchid, the 80's punk attack of bands like Minor Threat, and able to squeeze into one neat, little package. Finally a band who can play music in a genre that has seen much, much better days.

Led Zeppelin's playing Bonnaroo??

The latest word on the street (and coming from a pretty reliable source) is that Led Zeppelin will be playing their first US show in some 25, 30 odd years at this year's Bonnaroo festival in Tennessee. They just can't announce it till after their London show which I believe is sometime in couple monthes. If this is true, WOW. They would have definitely up'ed their game over Cochella who blew them out of the water last year with their lineup.

Rumor also has it that Metallica will be playing the festival too.

Friday, November 30, 2007

The pop's gotta pop

I've been writing about WAY too much pop bands on this site. Even music in general. I'm going to try mixing it up in the days to come...

Pictured above: Ampere at a show in Brooklyn. If you like incredible, original Saetia like screamo with a Minor Threat mix, you have to check these guys out.

Riot goes gold

Paramore's (pictured above in disguise) latest effort Riot! has gone gold. Absolutely zero surprise here. When the hell will this band peak? It seems like they keep getting bigger and bigger and it shows no sign in ending anytime soon.

Stolen Transmission seperates from Island Def Jam

This explains the pure chaos I walked into when I went for an interview at Island Def Jam today. Though reported on, Stolen Transmission Records has not folded by Island Def Jam's demands. Instead the label has decided to part from the Universal sub-label and become an independent label.

Very smart move on Stolen Transmission's part especially after UMG CEO Doug Morris' questionable comments he made a few days ago. Stolen Transmission is home to PlayRadioPlay! (pictured above), Monty Are I, The Horrors, The Photo Atlas and more.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Band of the Week - Into It. Over It

This week's Band of the Week is an artist I've actually already mentioned on this blog Into It. Over It. After a week, I am still glued to my iTunes listening to the songs Evan has recorded over the last 10 weeks. In case you haven't gotten a chance to look at the previous post about Evan's newest project, the main premise of Into It. Over It is to create a song every week of Evan's 23rd year. That's an asounding 52 songs!

It's a creative and innovative idea that gives you something to look forward to each week. I know that I personally have been caught up listening to each new song that premieres every Thursday and reflecting on the past week. It's seriously a powerful thing that Evan is doing. It also helps that the songs are absolutely awesome and totally free to download on his website!

Similar artists: Texas is the Reason, Death Cab for Cutie, Braid, The Progress, Up Up Down Down
Highlight track: All of them!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How desperate can you get?

Sales of Britney Spear's new album Blackout have gotten so bad in the Canada that they have started campaign where they are offering a free movie ticket if you buy the album. HAHAHA! How pathetic can Britney Spears' life get?

LOL Cat Bible

My church never got me to read the Bible when I was younger. Maybe they should have tried this...

Brand New playing Gramercy Theater

Brand New are playing Triple Crown Record's 10 anniversary show at the Blender Theater at Gramercy on in New York City on Monday, December 17th. All proceeds go to the Feelgood Foundation which benefit 9/11 first responders. Also playing are The Receiving End of Sirens and As Tall As Lions.

Tickets go on sale on Ticketmaster tomorrow @ 1pm and cost $27.50 (that doesn't even include all the surcharges). It's expensive however Gramercy is very, very intimate (holds only 550 people) and all the proceeds go to a great cause.

Also, if you want to even think about going to this show, I highly suggest you get the tickets on time tomorrow cause they will certainly be $100 each on Craigslist by tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Prospero Collapse

Probably one of the promising bands I've heard out of Long Island in a long time, The Prospero Collapse creates some of the best post hardcore music I have heard since Thursday's Full Collapse album. That's saying A LOT. Their EP is extremely solid and has been stuck in my CD player for quite some time now. Keep an eye out for these guys in the near future...
Highlight Track: Cross Your Oceans


During the Malibu fires this week, songwriter and producer Butch Walker's house burnt down to the ground. Walker was renting the house from Flea, the bassist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers during the tragedy. He's lost everything. From his clothes, personal possessions, studio equipment, insturments, lyrics, even all the masters to all the songs he's ever recorded. Truly a sad story.

Some of his producing credits include Midtown, The Academy Is, Avril Lavigne, Fall Out Boy and much more,

First '08 Warped Tour bands announced

The first bands have been announced for the 2008 run of Warped Tour. Against Me and The Bronx (pictured above) are the first two of four bands Warped Tour founder Kevin Lyman announced last night at a college lecture he was giving. The other two are Pierce the Veil and The Devil Wears Prada. Lyman also went on to say that he would be announcing 12 to 14 more bands NEXT WEEK on the Warped Tour's official site.

Other than the last two bands mentioned, this year's lineup is already shaping up to be a promising one. Any thoughts on who might be the headliner(s)?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Bob Lefsetz

If you enjoyed my explosion at Universal's CEO in the last post definitely put aside some time to take a look over Bob Lefsetz's blog. The guy has worked for years in the music industry and always seems to have some very intelligent things to say about the music industry. Defintely worth the time if you are interested in this insane line of business.



This is what Universal Music Group's CEO Doug Morris had to say about combating illegal music pirating when it was in it's early stages in the late 1990's and why they didn't come up with alternative legal ideas such as hmm, I don't know, ITUNES!

"There's no one in the record industry that's a technologist," Morris explains. "That's a misconception writers make all the time, that the record industry missed this. They didn't. They just didn't know what to do. It's like if you were suddenly asked to operate on your dog to remove his kidney. What would you do?"

Personally, I would hire a vet. But to Morris, even that wasn't an option. "We didn't know who to hire," he says, becoming more agitated. "I wouldn't be able to recognize a good technology person — anyone with a good bullshit story would have gotten past me."


Basically what Morris is saying here is that contrary to the belief that any smart, common minded corporation would hire someone to at least research this issue, THEY NEVER EVEN DID. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!

Folks, I believe this industry can be turned around, that's why I still work in it. However, right now it's looking pretty bleak. All those corporate fucks in their offices upstairs need a simple remedy that I like to call reality. Stick with iTunes, simply believe pirating is inevitable, think of more innovative ways to sell music, and move on with your lives! It's not that hard people.

My Bloody Valentine reunited

Finally, a great band reunites to save music. Indie noise rockers My Bloody Valentine have finally decided to get back together and record a new album, their first since 1991's masterpiece Loveless. The band plans to have the new album out sometime late next year and even plans to tour. So far they have confirmed a few official reunion shows in the UK and Ireland (sorry, I don't have the exact dates) which will happen sometime after Cochella shooting down any sort of rumor that they might reunite there. Also, once the record is done, the band has said they plan on releasing the album themselves online similar to how Radiohead did earlier last month. Whether it's going to pay-what-you-like model has to be seen.

Best 2 girls, 1 cup reaction ever

(Yes I stole this from Perez Hilton)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

This American Life

I haven't until recently discovered the incredible in-depth reporting of NPR host Ira Glass and his program This American Life. It's a truly unique, rich, and heartwarming program that centralizes around one simple theme of life. Every radio episode is very honest and upfront with the stories provided by the chosen interviewees for the program. It's a breath of fresh air compared to all the lousy shock jocks on mainstream radio these days.

If you are interested in listening to almost all the episodes, you can simply go to and choose any episode to stream for free. There is also a fantastic short 6 part television series which aired on the Showtime cable network earlier this year which you can purchase on iTunes for only $11 (totally worth it).

Into It. Over It.

What do you get when you combine the creative mind of The Progress' Evan Weiss, 52 weeks of his 23rd year on earth, and Gradwell Studios? The refreshing indie/rock blend of Into It. Over It, that's what!

Evan has been involved with some pretty awesome musical projects in the past whether it be his current focus The Progress, spending time on Up Up Down Down or dabbling with his other sideproject Emergency. However, by far, his newest project takes the cake. Not only is the music incredible (think Braid meets Death Cab meets everything awesome) but the concept is so incredibly innovative and daunting. The concept is to create a new song every week of the 52 weeks of his 23rd year. Pretty wild, huh? He's only into week 9 with 9 songs. That's what most artists will release in one record that they might spend anywhere from a few monthes to a couple years on.

Be sure to check his MySpace every Thursday when he posts a new song for the week and to check up on his progress. Also, if you want to download the songs from each week, you can go to the project's website which I've listed below.

Finally someone makes listening to music a fun, interactive experience again!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Moving Mountains

If you are a fan of The Appleseed Cast, Explosions in the Sky, or even Brand New (post Deja Entendu era), then you'll probably fall in love with Moving Mountains. Hailing from nearby SUNY Purchase, these 4 guys make some pretty incredible, beautiful music. Entirely self produced, their latest effort Pneuma certainly deserves a hard, good listen.

Highlight Track - Cover the Roots

Extremely sad news

Some very sad shocking news coming out of Washington DC tonight. Before going to do their sound check today, the members of Hawthorne Heights found their fellow member and friend Casey Calvert dead. Cause of death hasn't been determined or released yet however you can read the band's statement I've provided below.

"Today is probably the worst day ever. Its with our deepest regrets that we have to write this. Casey Calvert passed away in his sleep last night. We found out this afternoon before sound-check. We've spent the entire day trying to come to grips with this and figure out as much as possible. At this time we're not sure what exactly happened. Just last night he was joking around with everyone before he went to bed. We can say with absolute certainty that he was not doing anything illegal. Please, out of respect to Casey and his family, don't contribute or succumb to any gossip you may hear. We don't want his memory to be tainted in the least. Casey was our best friend. He was quirky and awesome and there will truly be no others like him! His loss is unexplainable. As soon as we know more we will let you know. Sincerely, Hawthorne Heights Eron, JT, Micah and Mat

This is some extremely sad news. These guys certainly weren't the best band by any means however they were absolutely incredible people. My thoughts and prayers go out to Casey, his family, friends, and everyone in Hawthorne Heights.

RIP The Blood Brothers

I know this is old news but last week we saw the unfortunate passing of The Blood Brothers. Since this blog is fairly new I decided to give it an honorable mention.

It's sad to see one of the only talented true punk rock bands that gets a lot of play by kids these days fade out. I heard nothing but great things about their live show (unfortunely I never got to see them live) and fortunely they leave us with a pretty extensive catalog.

What's intriguing though which I wouldn't be surprised by is that the band's downfall was probably encouraged by the dismantlement of their record label V2 earlier this year. Either way, this shouldn't be the end of the members involvement in music. I am sure that they will toil a whole lot more with their current projects Neon Blonde and Head Wound City.

Bamboozle 2008

Has anyone else realized that ticket prices for Bamboozle 2008 have gone up from around $30 per day last year to $50 per day this year? Wow. So far really only "big" band announced has been Paramore (pictured above) which really isn't a surprise. Anyone have any idea why it's so much more expensive this year? Obviously there they must have something big in the works. Hmm, Blink 182 reunion anyone?


Hey everyone! If you are reading this blog and you enjoy it, please pass the word around! It would mean a lot to me! Thanks!

No Country for Old Men

Last night I finally made the trip out to the movie theater to see the highly acclaimed, super buzzed about movie No Country for Old Men. After hearing so many Hitchcock references to the Coen Brothers recent work I was probably the most excited I have been in a long time to see a film. Needless to say it lived up to most of my expectations when all was said and done.

Javier Bardem's potrayal of the sick, psychotic killer certainly deserves an Oscar. His voice alone is so horrifically gut wrenching it pushes you to the edge of the seat every time he makes an appearance. Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, and Kelly MacDonald all deserve the same acclaim as Bardem. Everyone contributed their best efforts to making the film a memorable one.

The acting jobs were not the only well done thing in the film. The cinematography in the movie was breathtaking. There was simply no better way to capture the barren, dead landscape of the western Texas abode then what the brothers were able to catch. It simply completed the film and made it for what it was.

However, while there are elements of the film that are truly noteworthy, there are some that might confuse or strain the viewer. For example, the plot is very slow moving; there is no suspenseful music and quick cuts building up to a huge action sequence. Everything is very suttle which of course probably is too little for any movie goer expecting a tremendous, on-the-edge-of-your-seat thriller.

Also, it is a little more gorey then I expected so anyone of the faint of heart or doesn't like blood probably will get a little more than they bargained for.

Additionally, the towards the end of the movie (I'm going to try not to ruin the ending) don't expect much. This all might be a huge buzzkill if you are the average movie goer. Not to mention, the end is somewhat confusing and if you really want to understand the movie you might need to sit down for a few minutes afterwards and really try to analyze everything to get the grasp of the movie.

Other than that, if you have a really strong appreciation for film or if you want to go a movie that has some character (unlike every other movie these days), go see No Country for Old Men. You probably won't regret it!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Band of the Week - Sing It Loud

Here is my first artist profile kiddies! Expect this to be updated every Thursday with a hot and fresh new musical act to dig your teeth into.

Today I bring Minnepolis' finest Sing It Loud. These 5 wonderful gentlemen are bringing their finest pop punk electronic effort to the table and man, does it rule. Coming out of the ashes of the mildly successful Jamestown Story, as well as heralded Minnesota local act, The Semester, the guys in Sing it Loud already have plenty of musical experience and talent under their belt. It also helps their self-titled EP produced by the very talented and young Jordan Schmidt who in his relatively short career has already helmed the board of some pretty fantastic records from Automatic Loveletter, All Time Low, The Morning Light, and a ton more. The band also recently finished an incredible tour featuring Universal act Between the Trees as well as the previously mentioned Automatic Loveletter.

Their active live show is refreshing breath of fresh air in a pool of boring live bands that simply can't maintain my interest anymore even though they might play incredible music. They love getting the crowd pumped out before lead singer Pat Brown bellows out his first note that any bystander has to stop in their tracks and watch what all their onstage fuss is about.

The record is just as good if not even better. Every song is unbelievably catchy and will be sure to stick in your head for weeks on end. Come Around is by far the highlight track and really captures the energy of the entire album. I would describe the rest of the record but I'm out of compliments for this band. Just click the link below and listen away!!


Thanksgiving. One of those strange "traditional" American holidays that comes to haunt us once a year with it's roasted dry turkeys, visits from unwanted relatives, and overly sweet pumpkin pies. I never particularly loved the holiday. The holiday has been more of burden than a bundle of joy. I mean sitting for 5 hours in a living room in relative silence with family you only see probably at most twice a year isn't exactly my definition of a productive day. However, it's probably the most productive my life has been the few weeks anyways.

Moving on, I've never liked the holiday and even though it's name is pretty self explainatory, I tend to always look over it. I'm usually too busy shoving my face with the buttery, warm stuffing my mom made earlier in the day to reflect on my life mainly because I'm just one of those people who tend to focus more on overly enjoying the food placed in front of me than reflect on my overlying pessimism on life at a table filled with drunk adults.

However, throughout the day today for the first time I actually thought, what I am thankful for? Of course I am thankful for having a loving, supporting family even though I want to pummel the crap out of my brother and sister sometimes and of course I am thankful for how privleged my life has been and the opportunities I have been granted. But, outside of the generic thankful thoughts of my life, shouldn't I be thankful for something else? Something more?

I know I am thankful for the friends who love me even though my anxiety makes me think they hate me most of the time but certainly there are much smaller things I can be thankful for that really effected my life and I am still trying to conjure up a list. It's a tough and daunting thing to think about. To be honest, it pretty much fucking overwelms me but I guess all the pieces of the puzzle will fall together for me sometime tonight or tomorrow or at some point in the near future. For the first time, in a long time, I've finally reflected on what my elementary school teachers stressed to me at no end; So what are you thankful for little guy??

Until next time...

Hello internet dwellers!

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Casey but most of you probably already know that if you are looking at this page right now. However, if you don't, if a 19 year old hailing from Fairfield County, CT who produces and promotes live concerts throughout the lovely state of Connecticut. BUT, don't expect me to do much talking about how fucked up the music industry is or what band I heard through the grapevine is reuniting this year at Bamboozle or the music scene in Connecticut is so bleak. No, I promise to spare you.

This blog is dedicated to my thoughts and stories of what is this crazy thing that has become known as my life. Lately, I've struggled with the worst of it and I thought what might be the best therapeutic medicine for myself would be to open my thoughts up on the internet not only to let it out but also opening it up as a public forum. Not only for other people to not only see who I really am but also hopefully get the feeling that they're, and hopefully I, aren't alone in the daily downfalls and highs that are thrown at us each and every day. I will also be sure to post a bunch random goodies from profiling awesome new artists/bands, why Britney Spears is the biggest douche bag on the planet, and plenty more.

Anyways, I hope you all can be open minded about everything I post on here. Hell, I hope you can really take something away from it that will stick with you and provide hope, thoughts, a lesson, awesome new music or just something to laugh at a random points in the day. I'm glad you are taking the time to read this. It already means the world to me. Now just hang in for the ride...